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Hanafi Bin Jantan
Graduated from International Islamic University Malaysia in 2007 with double degrees LLB (Hons) and LLB_S (Hons) and was called to the Bar on 15th October 2008. He had undergone his pupilage at Messrs Zulpadli & Edham. Based on his deep interest in litigation as well as wide exposure on banking work (conventional and Islamic), he was retained as Legal Assistant by the Firm to further develop his skills & knowledge particularly in litigation. Starting from January 2016, he had been promoted as a Partner in charge of Banking Litigation Department.
Mohamad Hanafi was exposed to conveyancing and litigation works for the most part. He has been involved in the area of commercial and civil litigation. His areas of practice include recovery of debt involving civil action until judgment, foreclosure and execution proceedings. He had handled cases for Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Berhad, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Bank Simpanan Nasional, BSNC Leasing (M) Sdn. Bhd. , Boustead Credit Sdn. Bhd. , Al Rajhi Banking & Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Berhad, public company TH Plantations Berhad and co-operative societies KOBIMBING, KOBANAS and SEKATA RAKYAT.
In summary, Mohamad Hanafi had the following experiences in Commercial and Banking Litigation:-
- Recovery of debt for Islamic Financial Institutions involving various types of Islamic product including Bai’ Bithaman Ajil, Bai’ Al-Inah, AITAB, Tawarruq, Ijarah Muntahiyyah Bittamlik, Musyarakah Mutanaqisah, Mudhrabah & Revolving Mudharabah, Istisna’, Qardhul Hassan, Trade Line (Commodity sale & purchase) etc.
- He primarily advises financial institutions on a wide range of legal issues and procedures and handles both contentious and non-contentious matters for his banking clients at all stages of debt recovery proceedings for commercial and consumer loans/financing, hire purchase and other general commercial and property related transactions.
- He has experiences in handling civil cases relating to High Court and Land Office foreclosure proceedings, private auctions and post-auction procedures, interlocutory proceedings, summary judgment, recusal of proceedings, transfer of proceedings, setting aside proceedings, stay of proceedings, striking out proceedings and civil appeal for dispute on banking debt.
- Experienced in handling execution proceedings such as Bankruptcy, Winding-up, Garnishee, Judgment Debtor Summons, Writ Seizure and Sale, Writ of Distress, Court Order for Vehicle Repossession on a day-to-day basis.
- Experienced in handling general civil litigation matter on defamation suit involving local celebrities.
- Conducting a full trial for negligence suit against financial institution involving issues of wrongful auction, undertaking, limitation and res judicata.
- Conducting hearing for committal proceedings.
- Conducting case on probate & letter of administration.
- Rendered an opinion pertaining to claim for insurance of vehicle theft incident.
- Preparing documents to be submitted to Malaysia Co-Operative Societies Commission.
- Attending the day sub-sale cases which include the dealing with the Land Office, Stamp Office and the relevant authorities.